Sprint at PyCascades
Development sprints are a key part of PyCascades. It is an opportunity to contribute and give back to Python and open source projects. At the sprint, attendees get to collaborate in person with other contributors and maintainers.
Sprints will be held at Revolution Hall on Monday, February 10th from 9:30am to 5pm.
Lunch and snacks will be provided.
Propose a project to sprint on via this form. Your project will then be added to this page!
Plan on participating in sprints? Please RSVP at this link. so that we can get an accurate headcount for our food order.
Remember that all attendees are expected to follow our Code of Conduct.
Thank you for sprinting and contributing to open source!
Sprint coordinator: Timothy Crosley (timothy.crosley@gmail.com)
You can also discuss sprints on our #sprints channel on Slack.
For any outstanding questions, reach out to organizers@pycascades.com.
Available Projects
The Python programming language.
- Leads: Guido van Rossum and Carol Willing
- Repo: https://github.com/python/cpython
- Communication channel: https://discuss.python.org
- Issue list: https://bugs.python.org
- Development guide: https://devguide.python.org
Interactive Data Visualization in the browser, from Python.
- Lead: Bryan Van de Ven
- Repo: https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh
- Communication channel: https://discourse.bokeh.org
- Issue list: https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/issues
- Development guide: https://docs.bokeh.org/en/latest/docs/dev_guide.html
pandas-vet is a plugin for flake8 that provides opinionated linting for pandas code.
- Lead: Jacob Deppen
- Repo: https://github.com/deppen8/pandas-vet
- Communication channel: PyCascades Slack (#pandas-vet-sprint)
- Issue list: https://github.com/deppen8/pandas-vet/issues
- Development guide: https://github.com/deppen8/pandas-vet#contributing
Flask, Jinja, Click, Werkzeug
The Python micro framework for building web applications.
- Lead: David Lord
- Repo: https://github.com/pallets
- Communication channel: https://discord.gg/t6rrQZH
- Issue list: https://github.com/pallets/flask/issues
- Development guide: https://github.com/pallets/flask/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.rst
Hug API Framework
Embrace the APIs of the future. Hug aims to make developing APIs as simple as possible, but no simpler.
- Lead: Jason Tyler
- Repo: https://github.com/hugapi/hug
- Communication channel: https://gitter.im/timothycrosley/hug
- Issue list: https://github.com/hugapi/hug/issues
- Development guide: https://hugapi.github.io/hug/CONTRIBUTING/
Cookiecutter with auto-syncing.
- Lead: Peter Olson
- Repo: https://github.com/timothycrosley/cruft/
- Communication channel: https://gitter.im/timothycrosley/cruft
- Development guide: https://timothycrosley.github.io/cruft/docs/contributing/1.-contributing-guide/
A Python command line utility and library to sort imports.
- Lead: Timothy Crosley
- Repo: https://github.com/timothycrosley/isort/
- Communication channel: https://gitter.im/timothycrosley/isort
- Development guide: https://timothycrosley.github.io/isort/docs/contributing/1.-contributing-guide/
Remote Led:
FastAPI, Typer
FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production.
- Lead: Sebastián RamÃrez
- Repo: https://github.com/tiangolo/fastapi
- Communication channel: https://gitter.im/tiangolo/fastapi and available for video chat
- Development guide: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/contributing/
CircuitPython - a Python implementation for teaching coding with microcontrollers
- Lead: Scott Shawcroft (available via @tannewt#4653 on adafruit discord)
- Repo: https://github.com/adafruit/circuitpython
- Communication channel: https://adafru.it/discord #circuitpython channel
- Development guide: https://github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md